Retracing the Steps of Henry Beston's Walk From Coast Guard Beach to the Cape Cod Bay
" I devoted the entire day yesterday to an adventure I have long had in mind, a walk across the Cape from outer ocean to Cape Cod Bay." (Beston, The Outermost House, p. 148) When Henry Beston arrived at Coast Guard Beach (or, as it was known at that time, Eastham Beach) in the waning summer of 1925, he had only intended to stay a short time; two weeks to be precise. He had purchased some land just off of the water, behind the barrier dunes, and had a small house built there which he dubbed the "Fo'castle". He writes, "My house completed, and tried and not found wanting by a first Cape Cod year, I went there to spend a fortnight in September. The fortnight ending, I lingered on, and as the year lengthened into autumn, the beauty and mystery of this earth and outer sea so possessed and held me that I could not go." (Beston,The Outermost House, pp. 9-10) Beston remained in his Fo'castle for the entire year, documenting his observ...